How would I make an MPH Text Label?

Don’t worry I’ll send you the script to modify (if u want)!

I mean no offense but you should probably learn some scripting yourself before going onto scripting support. That said, you only need to rewrite one line, you just have to rearrange where things are in the game is all.

I’ll be more specific on what you need to do, although I’m afraid I can’t help you more than this:

  1. Create a new LocalScript under StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts
  2. Copy and paste the code you have into the new LocalScript
  3. Move the CarGui from the old script to under the new LocalScript
  4. On line 9, you’ll have to change the directory of the seat (seat isn’t this LocalScript’s parent!)

For example if the seat is named “Seat” under the workspace you would write.

local seat = workspace:WaitForChild("Seat")

Please refer to this Roblox tutorial on how to make GUI’s:

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You need to set the RunContext (property in properties pane) of the script to “Client”

Thank you but I already know how to make a GUI.

Not trying to be rude, but I also wanted the code because that’s how I learn scripting, by reading Code.