How would I make this heat glow effect?

Apparently, they used decals with their colors set to 9999 on all three of the color spots, but I cant find any way to remake this effect. It looks really cool, and I really want to use it, but I don’t know how! The user who sent this is deleted now (on discord).


SurfaceGui and tweak its brightness/ light properties.

I looked around a bit after posting this, and first of all, surfaceguis dont even wrap around cylinders, and second, its this: How To Have Functioning Emissive Textures!

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Glad my tutorial could be of help 4 years later! :smile:

Also wanted to mention if your game is using Future lighting, you could have a surface light on the surface you want the text to glow on.

Not sure if it’d work in this instance - kinda decides when it wants to work on it’s own.

Now the question is to find the correct decals for these. I don’t really make my own decals, but I also don’t know the correct words to search to get a good decal for an effect like this.

I found out the real way to make a good heat glow.

I can tell you right now that this is what they used for it. Its not any decal trickery, its just a simple surface light on a cylinder. Set the brightness to around 7, and make the color yellow or orange and you get the exact same effect.

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You can also do vertex colors with a gradient so you go from orange to white.

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