Even if it is so, you can search devforum around to find the solution. I’ve searched around and find out that this warning only appears when you instantly destroy the object, so maybe there’s something in your code causing it?
Mate come here to help not start an argument
I don’t have time for people who don’t know what the warning is
I’ve already searched. I don’t get why many people like you go off about not checking when they don’t even know whether they have
Still happens with task.wait()
May not be a long enough delay still.
You may have better luck using the ApplyDescription thing of the player’s humanoid instead of putting it in the starterplayer thing
Because it’s about helping, there were many moments when an unexperienced helped to unexperienced, you don’t have to unappreciate any help
Alright I’ll see what I can do and let you know if I have issues
Buddy buddy just listen to a post description next time
never rude for no reason
Still have no luck, has the same warning with the randomise script
Help is about helping another person, you can’t expect for an immediant help, it’s about teamwork
The ApplyDescription thing doesn’t require you to create and then destroy the NPC. Get the humanoid’s location in ServerStorage or wherever it is, then use :GetAppliedDescription on it
LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription may also be a better choice than the ApplyDescription thing
Yeah that’s what I did, I didn’t clone it I solely applied a description, then tried cloning the script in the character and still warnings
What does the relevant script currently look like? (The makeCharacterAnonymous function)
local OriginalTeam = Plr.Team
Plr.Team = Teams.Intermission
Plr.Character.Head.Slaughters_UI.Enabled = false
Plr.Character.Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None"
Plr.Team = OriginalTeam
local Script = ServerStorage.Objects.NPC.Randomise:Clone()
Script.Parent = Plr.Character
Assuming you are making a script that makes a random character (for example, like how murder mystery did it) when a round starts, why can’t you just make it a part of the “MakeCharacterAnonymous” function?
Because players decide whether they are anonymous
I am having manners with people who are helping, not those who aren’t. Leave, you are not helping
Alright, but this function seems to be dedicated to specifically when they are going to be anonymous. Looks like the same thing.
Maybe try using a modulescript of some kind.
What do you mean by this?
And how would a module script solve it? I can still see it happening
No, you’re just being rude. For all that matters, you’re calling people inexperienced, but your script is full of bad practices (wrong naming conventions, accessing services by indexing, using deprecated methods, should I go on?). Your definition of “not helping” is them asking questions related to your code. Telling people to “leave, you’re not helping” is just shooting yourself in the foot. Good luck with your code!