How would I send http requests to marketplace?

Hi, I’m trying to send an HTTP request to Marketplace but it doesn’t work, and it gives me an error, the error is: HttpError: DnsResolve. Here’s the code:

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

function GetMarketProductInfo(id)
	local response = httpService:GetAsync("" .. id);
	return httpService:JSONDecode(response)

local response = GetMarketProductInfo(2124439922)

Help plz. :slight_smile:

Not sure why you’re using HttpService for this when MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo() exists, which does it for you

Was just trying to mess around with the service, here it is:

I am unsure if you wrote it incorrectly, try this?


Retrieved it from here and just converted it to use the roblox proxy

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Wow. It worked, thank you my life savior

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Anytime once again! if you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

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