i never understood how they work. please give me examples and explain them to me like i’m 5.
i’m trying to avoid elseif chains/yandere dev syndrome.
Do you mind clarifying what you mean?
like using tables instead of doing an elseif chain
There is a Post about it:
Ima look tho
i looked at those and didn’t understand. that’s exactly why is said “explain them to me like i’m 5”
Look at this:
Basically, just make a dictionary with the keys being the condition that needs to be met, and the value being whatever you need exactly.
You just have a table, the key is what the condition should be and the value is what happens or a returned value or wherever you needed
if var == 1 then
elseif var == 2 then
--and repeat for a lot of numbers
local t = {
1 = "a",
2 = "b",
--and repeat for others
for i, v in pairs(t) do
if var == i then
So this isn’t how it should be u can just do print(t[var])
but I’m giving you a simple example.
the problem is i’m managing randomized maps. i have maps in a table and i am using math.random and i don’t wanna use an elseif chain
local maps = {
map1 = path.to.map;
local chosenMap = maps[math.random(1,#maps)]
Then you can add more maps by adding more of those in the table.
i’m not that big of an idiot right? i really hope this works
jesus christ
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