How would you animate houndreds of animals?

Imagine you had a zoo themed game or something like that where you had to animate houndreds of animals.
What would you use?
BodyPositions, Tweens, Animations, Lerping CFrames or Vectors?
Thank you

Edit: What do you think would be the best performance-wise?


Animations and humanoids what else you need


As always, do whatever is easiest first. Then check if you need to improve performance.

So I would probably use animations for the animations and humanoids or something for the walking. If that’s too much, tweening cframes directly is probably more performant.

Edit: after below discussion with @Fusionet, I agree that you probably won’t get much better performance than animations+humanoids.


Is it actually not too bad if there is a decent amount of tweens running all the time?

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I dunno. It’s probably not bad. Try it out :slight_smile:

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Tweening a lot of things at once is very bad especially on the server. The best way is to animate them. To animate animals, first rig up the animal with a humanoid, humanoid root part, etc. There is a plug in for this. Then just make an animation like you normally would.

I would personally use AnimationControllers instead of Humanoids, they will allow the same animations, without showing nametags/health bars.

Do you have a source for that? Animations are just fancier tweens (that also replicate to the server). Why would they be more performant?

I’m kinda interested in the plugin, can you tell me what it’s called or give a link?

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I think they’re talking about RigEditLite.

It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t do many tweens on the server, and all visual effects should be done on the client. Especially when you have thousands of tweens.
Check this out Tweening on Client or Server?

@LegendLoGamer Humanoids are much better especially for beginners. Besides, if you don’t want to reveal nametags and health bars, you can just use the Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub property.
@Pokbox2 Here you go Rig Editor - Roblox
Check out the DevForum link inside the description for a tutorial on it.


Why are Humanoids better than AnimationControllers for animation?
Animation-wise, there’s no difference(in my experience).

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Sorry, yes, I agree that it should be done on the client. But is a tween on the client less performant than an animation on the client?

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Oh yeah for sure, and animations are much easier. Also, tweening each of the animals limbs would be a terrible idea.