How would you make a camera that prevents you from turning a full 180?

Some games like The Wild West or Those Who Remain eventually have a point where; (Wild West) if you’re sitting (in first person), you cannot look behind you, it prevents you from doing so. (Those Who Remain) If you mount a 50cal, you cannot look behind you, it prevents you from doing so.

It’s like a human head, trying to move your head a full 180 (don’t try to snap your neck please) won’t really “work”, because you can only turn 90 degrees on left and right.

Clamp the angles:

local x,y,z = RotationCFrame:ToOrientation()
x = math.clamp(x,--clamp your angles here, remember it's in radians)
local fixedRotationCFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(x,y,z)

For an example see:

Will look into, thanks! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz