Hello !
I have a problem, I can’t use my webhook, why ?
function exploiter(player)
local HS = game:GetService("HttpService")
local WebhookURL = -- Here is my webhook url
local userId = player.UserId
local thumbType = Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot
local thumbSize = Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420
local content = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(userId, thumbType, thumbSize)
local MessageData = {
["content"] = player.Name.. " is suspected of cheating",
["avatar_url"] = content
MessageData = HS:JSONEncode(MessageData)
I think you may need to get the avatar url from one of roblox’s apis instead of GetUserThumbnailAsync, as the latter returns a rbxthumb:// url, usable on Roblox only, try changing your code around to this?
local HS = game:GetService("HttpService")
function exploiter(player)
local WebhookURL = -- Here is my webhook url
local userId = tostring(player.UserId)
local success, content = pcall(HS.GetAsync,HS,"http://thumbnails.rprxy.xyz/v1/users/avatar-headshot?format=Png&isCircular=true&size=420x420&userIds="..userId)
local MessageData = {
["content"] = player.Name.. " is suspected of cheating",
if success then
MessageData["avatar_url"] = HS:JSONDecode(content).data.imageUrl
Data = HS:JSONEncode(MessageData)
This is so if it couldn’t get the image it’ll warn you the error given, outside, add avatar_url to your dictionary and fire it off
More info:
And if at the end it doesn’t work, is HTTP Enabled or disabled?
Thank you now it work !
But as I am curious, what does mean this lines of codes ?
local success, content = pcall(HS.GetAsync,HS,"http://thumbnails.rprxy.xyz/v1/users/avatar-headshot?format=Png&isCircular=true&size=420x420&userIds="..userId)
local MessageData = {
["content"] = player.Name.. " is suspected of cheating",
if success then
MessageData["avatar_url"] = HS:JSONDecode(content).data.imageUrl
What is pcall and why not lets normal roblox error ?
Does it send the webhook even if the avatar don’t work ?
Basically what I did was use GetAsync to retrieve the icon of the user with the specified userid, I placed it in a pcall so if it errors, it’ll still send the webhook but without an avatar url, but if it worked, it’ll sned it with the avatar url.
If I didn’t put the pcall, if it errored, it would break the entire script. Although now taht I realise, if it errors it would send a different json file, so I think it should be changed around
Edit: I think this would be better
local HS = game:GetService("HttpService")
function exploiter(player)
local WebhookURL = -- Here is my webhook url
local userId = tostring(player.UserId)
local content = HS:GetAsync("http://thumbnails.rprxy.xyz/v1/users/avatar-headshot?format=Png&isCircular=true&size=420x420&userIds="..userId)
content = HS:JSONDecode(content)
local MessageData = {
["content"] = player.Name.. " is suspected of cheating",
if content.data and content.data.imageUrl then
MessageData["avatar_url"] = content.data.imageUrl
Data = HS:JSONEncode(MessageData)
Checks if there’s a data key in the dictionary and if that data key has an imageUrl key
You need to do GetAsync as that’s the name of the function, it yields/waits until the request has been given or error
Usually anything returend by GetAsync is a JSON file that needs to be converted into an lua dictionary, it would error if you don’t decode it because you’d try to get dictionary keys from a string