HTTP 400(Bad Request)

Hello, i have multiple webhook senders in my game, they all work except for one, its a ban webhook, and i dont get it because its the same code as the other ones.

local HttpServ = game:GetService('HttpService')
	local url2 = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

local data2 = 
		    ["content"] = "",
        ["embeds"] = {{
            ["title"] = "Console Ban",
            ["description"] = "Name of Player "..guy.Name,
            ["type"] = "rich",
            ["color"] = tonumber(0xff0000),
            ["fields"] = {
                    ["name"] = "Admin",
                    ["value"] = plr.Name,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "Reason",
                    ["value"] = reason,
                    ["inline"] = true
                    ["name"] = "yes",
                    ["value"] = "e",
                    ["inline"] = true
    local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data2)
    HttpServ:PostAsync(url2, newdata)

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I think HTTP 400 means that roblox’s HTTP Service is experiencing issues, try waiting a few hours and if it’s still broken then it’s probably something with your code

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It has been like this for a few weeks now. My game is currently privated.

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This might help, someone is having similar problems

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