'HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)'

Hello, I am using ‘rprxy.xyz’ to get a universalId from placeId, but when I run the code, it says ‘HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)’. How could I fix this?



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I don’t know much about this error, but I hope this might help: What Is a 401 Unauthorized Error and How Do You Fix It?

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Maybe this cloud help you, How to get UniverseID from PlaceID (Roblox Web API)

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Hello, just wondering, how could I add this to a game as it’s saying ‘Trust check failed’.


I’m not sure about this, but i think you can use MarketplaceService | Roblox Creator Documentation

Make sure HTTP Requests are enabled from Game settings within Roblox Studio. As for the “Trust check failed” issue, you cannot send HTTP requests to Roblox’s main domain from a Roblox game and that’s why you have to use proxy like rprxy.xyz (the one you were already using),

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games:/v1/games/multiget-place-details requires authentication with a Roblox account. Try supplying the request headers with a .ROBLOSECURITY cookie.

The title of that topic is completely misleading, in that topic they actually wanted the CreatorTargetId, (universeId can not be obtained from GetProductinfo)

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