`HttpService` does not specify which roblox domains it is allowed to invoke

Currently, as of 9/26/23, HttpService’s documentation does not specify which roblox subdomains it is allowed to invoke. On 8/4/23, a change was made that allowed the service to invoke APIs in certain roblox subdomains : Release Notes for 588 | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

However, it was never specified which subdomains were allowed. The only way to view whitelisted domains is by querying the fflag DFStringHttpServiceInternalUrlWhitelist.

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/classes/HttpService


what the heck is this

I expected more APIS to be whitelisted like

users api, games api

I dont even remember using “economy” api in my games or “catalog” api in my games

Despite showing as Live on the release notes, this feature hasn’t actually rolled out yet which is really disappointing considering Roblox got our hopes up a while ago. This is why it’s not documented. I assume the two whitelisted endpoints are just being used to test internally, because they still return the error ‘HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources’. Also, the fflag hasn’t been updated in a while which leads me to think work on this feature has been paused or forgotten about. :thinking:

Regardless, I would appreciate an update on the status of this feature.

@tnavarts Any updates you could provide on this? :smile:


Hi all,

Thx for your report! We are well aware of the challenges and needs to access Roblox domains, and have been discussing the best approach to do that. HttpService is one option but we haven’t decided this is the right one so the feature has been rolled back. We’ll update the community when the decision is made. In the meantime, feel free to share your use cases and APIs you’d like to access.


Will Open Cloud API endpoints be available using this?

For example accessing datastores through it would be useful to those who have a separate experience to work on as a dev version so we can access the datastores from the main experience without a proxy.


Is there an update on this? It’s still marked as “pending”.