HttpService Requesting item help

Hey developers. I am really new to the HttpService, and I’m trying to get the Id’s of items from our group store page. Going at this for an hour, and I haven’t been able to print out anything, to see if anything is working (trying to print out the ids of each item at our group store). I have used a lot of roblox developer forum posts & the roblox documentation for help, but I still need more. After an hour, this is where my code has lead me, and I still need help:

local service = game:GetService("HttpService")

local Request = service:RequestAsync({
	Url = "",
	Method = "GET"

local data = service:JSONDecode(Request)

for n, v in ipairs(Request) do
	print(n..", "..v) --Nothing will print
print("All Done")

Any help is greatly appreciated! has been dead for over a year now; you’re likely trying to get

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I’ve tried many, even trying to host my own. I did do and It didn’t work for me, as I am still printing nothing. Very possibly could have been an issue with my code though.

This project that I am doing, isn’t too big, nor too big of a deal to me, so I don’t mind using a public or private proxy. Though I still am having issues with just printing something, as it gives me an empty table.

Maybe thats not the right api ur using,
you can check this out:

I had what I thought would be the correct one. Roblox even had a documentation page for it Here Correct me if I’m wrong though