I’m trying to make a system that fetches a bunch of songs from the catalogue via a HttpService:GetAsync(). However, I always get this error:
I only get this error using this code:
I tried changing the “roblox.com” to “rprxy.xyz” which is a web API I found in a dev forum post from not too long ago but I end up getting this from the output:
I have done some researching and apparently it’s due to Roblox not wanting to DDoS themselves or something. Either way, I cannot find any way of properly searching the Roblox website as a whole via my script, making an ingame audio catalogue impossible right now.
If anyone can help me here, I would massively appreciate it!
Note: Yes Http Requests are enabled, I didn’t forget that before y’all ask me that lmao.
Requests to roblox.com are denied, ironically. Roblox doesn’t plan its systems very well. You’ll ned to use a proxy of some sort. Some services exist for this, but I wouldn’t trust them and recommend self-hosting on AWS or something, if that’s a possibility for you. rprxy was blocked as well for some reason, but other proxies should work.
Not going to derail the thread further with additional replies, but it’s poor design that should’ve been addressed years ago, and that the DDoSing excuse is just to save engineering time. This isn’t an inherent problem to having that functionality. Maybe someone should bump a feature request.
I’m pretty sure it’s because Studio is an internal system which can’t be limited through the 500 requests per minute system because then something may not work.
I cannot define ‘something’ as I have no idea myself.
I doubt it is because the engineering team can’t be asked (they get paid to do it, if anything they’d feel obliged to).
local Http = {}
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local Proxy = "https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/";
function Http:GET(link)
local Data = {
Url = Proxy..link;
Method = "GET";
Headers = {
["x-requested-with"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
["Content-Type"] = "applicaition/json"
local Success,Res = pcall(HttpService.RequestAsync,HttpService,Data);
if not (Success) then
return {};
if (Success) then
return Res;
return Http
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local Players = game:GetService("Players");
local Module = require(script.HttpService);
local Data = Module:GET("https://friends.roblox.com/v1/users/156416/friends");
if (Data.StatusCode == 200) then
local Table = HttpService:JSONDecode(Data.Body);