Huge lag spikes on player join

But the lag is server-side, not client-side

In that case it must be an issue on Roblox’s end, since Roblox runs the servers.

It’s not a roblox server issue. He’s clearly doing something very intensive on the server or has a memory leak.

@PumpYaK You said this occurs when a player joins right? Check your PlayerAdded/CharacterAdded Connections. Could you provide context to what your game is or what script you think might be the issue? Are there any loops that deal with players? Are you constantly raycast/checking regions around players for a certain system? Are you disconnecting connections once you’re done with them?

We need more context. I suggest going one by one through all your serversided scripts, disabling them one by one → Testing to see if it fixed the issue → if it does review said script → make sure you’re not doing anything to intensive or have any connections which might be causing memory leaks.

What do you mean by “memory leak”, is that some technical term?

Thing is, after i disabled my scripts, the ones with PlayerAdded/CharacterAdded events, the issues was still there.

for _,v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do 
    if v:IsA("Script") or v:IsA("LocalScript") then 
        v.Disabled = false 

I ran this command in the command bar.
This is very weird and it’s not related to my scripts.