Huge map FPS drop

Hi everyone!
I’m creating a big map using the terrain editor but seems like my fps are slowly dropping and add some models is becoming impossible

I’ve saw different games with really huge maps and a lot of models like “World//Zero” “DB Online Generations” and that games about mount Everest being perfect with the performance.

Does anyone know how to reduce this fps lag? Seems caused by the terrain and idk how to fix it.


Did you add some lightning effects? My computer gets slow when I do too much lighting. If you did, I suggest finishing all your builds and then do lighting on the end

Yes i’ve added some, i’ll try deleting them and see if the situation goes better

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Try using the content streaming setting. To enable it, you got to the workspace properties and it should be at the very bottom I think.

can you show the explorer?

(OOF. This is the 7th time that I answer a topic like this, hmmm…)
By the way, below there are some solutions that you can apply to your game:

  1. Remove the terrain that you don’t see
  2. Enable streaming (for more informations Content streaming )
  3. Disable Cast Shadows in the parts that doesn’t need shadows
  4. Optimize your scripts
  5. Use meshes (how to create a mesh from a building you did in studio meshes )
  6. Optimise the collions box (for other building tips here )
  7. Remove Can Collide to parts that you can’t touch

You can have some viruses some make sure that any script hasn’t a require() function unless you know what it requires; search for backdoors too! (Most common backdoors uses require() )
It can be a plugin too!

(Another thing you can do is to open the Game Explorer tab, and delete images, assets… that you don’t use)

Good luck from Italy (ciao) :slightly_smiling_face:
PS: Sorry for the bad English


Thank you all for answers, after some analysis about the map we decided to recreate that again and removing everything that is useless using a script that can copy the surface of the map and using terrain editor to recreate it without all the trash terrain/models and script in the original map, thank you all from italy too! :smile:

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