Humanoid:SetStateEnabled() not working as intended

In relation to a previous thread of mine (Animation on Death), I can now play animations on death because the death state is disabled, at least when playing locally. With filtering enabled on a server, as the wiki states clearly, the state disabling doesn’t work as intended - or at all for that matter. It wouldn’t be a problem if I was setting the state of the player, since that can be done using a localscript inside the player or character itself. However, the situation I am in involves NPCs, and as far as I’m aware I can’t use a localscript to change the humanoid state of an NPC. I’ve tried calling it on the client anyhow, yielding no results.
So, if I can’t accomplish this on the server, or through the client, is there any way I’m able to do this? Thanks!

If these NPCs are static, why are you using Humanoids in the first place? You could try using an AnimationController instead of the Humanoid.

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They aren’t static, which is the problem. I use the humanoid for a lot of different things (i.e general movement + the health system).

In the end, I ultimately scrapped the whole system, instead opting for a custom health system. It’s hacky, but it works for now.

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