HumanoidRootPart "offsets" when applying anchored CFrame

yeah i dont know then, i think you should rewrite your knockback code and make it alot simpler using lookvectors, possible vector forces, also possible NetworkOwner for the npcs

	local att0 ="Attachment")
						att0.Parent = hum.Parent.PrimaryPart
						force.Parent =  hum.Parent.PrimaryPart
						force.Force =  hum.Parent.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * 175
						force.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = false
						force.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World

Never used it before, but i’ll give it a shot. I’ll update this if it worked, or didn’t.

Okay, So I found the solution to my own problem. It isn’t anything related to my own code.
It’s Roblox. Like I assumed.

For future reference for anyone that has this happen, I will put it straightforward - It’s because of Roblox’s animation system failing.
Roblox’s animation system at this time is broken and if you stop an animation midway, it has a chance to PERMANENTLY FORCE THE C0 OF THE ROOTJOINT.
The only solution available is to do this snippet of code every time your character gets hit:

RootJoint.C0 =,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(180),0)

This is SUCH a hacky solution but I knew all along this was Roblox’s fault.
Thank you to everyone who helped assist with this.


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