Humanoids sometimes weld themselves to other humanoids?

How would I go about fixing this ? It’s the weirdest thing ever and then if you are a player you can’t move and you move with the npc. The humanoids weld each other arm to arm. How can I prevent this ? I have a complicated system of ai and I would like some advice on where I should look to debug this or an understanding of what can cause it. It’s also really hard to reproduce.

There’s not enough information to go off of here. I would guess you’re experiencing an old bug with joints… Some joints may have their Part0 or Part1 set to nil (I don’t remember if destroyed objects also have this effect, but I believe they do) and this bug will hopefully be better when the new joint system is put in place. Basically the joints seem to randomly attach to objects (not sure the conditions) if their Part0 or Part1 is invalid and usually there seems to be a preference for what they attach to (seems to be moving parts like humanoids?).

You could try setting Workspace.AutoJointsMode to Explicit (which could break some functionality assuming your joint system relies on the old system, so do thorough testing first) to enable the new joint system as seen here: Changes to Surface-Based Welds and Part Property Setters

Let me know if this solves the problem, which if it does this isn’t an issue on your part.

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This issue was fixed a while ago.

Please test the repro to confirm, but I doubt
it’s regressed.

Please provide more information about your issue. A video as well would be very helpful.

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Please can you provide a screenshot of the problem. Additionally, can you clarify if a weld object is actually getting created for us. If it is, it changes the issue.

Just noting, as of Febuary 13th Workspace.AutoJointsMode is forced to Explicit globally and this option isn’t available in Studio anymore. Updated the original post to clarify that.