HumanoidStateType Problem?

I have been making an ability for my game which requires two players, it involves anchoring both players and placing them 3 studs apart and playing an animation that flips one player over the other. However, after the animation ends the rotation of the player that was flipped becomes unnatural. This is clearly shown here by this gif
After testing some solutions myself, it seems that the anchoring is the problem but I don’t know why.

Have you tried resetting the HumanoidRootPart’s CFrame of the character that was flipped, after the animation finishes?

Also, how is this problem effected by HumanoidStateType?

I believe it may be the humanoid state type, and I never change the cframe in the first place they are placed 3 studs apart from each other,

Instead of anchoring them, could you just teleporte hem, and set both of their Humanoid’s WalkSpeed’s and JumpPower’s to 0 until the move is complete?

i dont want them to jump in between and I have a few scripts that might break it if I use walkspeed, a quick fix was to use bodymovers to keep them in place

You can stop them from jumping in the middle of the move, by setting JumpPower to 0.

Also, it doesn’t seem like a good idea to have scripts that break when WalkSpeed is changed. This could mean that exploiters could mess with the WalkSpeed value of their character, and cause he game to fail.

Walkspeed isn’t a big part of the game, and whats stopping the client from changing their walkspeed locally

That is a good point, if it is that important that the character does not move. You could also temporarily de-bind the controls, as demonstrated in this post.

I found the problem my animator animated the animation with a dummy that had an anchored hrp, which must’ve made roblox’s physics system think that my torso was heavier than my hrp in the animation. I fixed this by slightly increasing the size of the hrp then changing it back after.