Hurt walking and idle animations

The script doesn’t have to. It’ll just play the animation when the player’s health is low. Why?

Because i want the player to play A hurt walking animation when he is walking and an idle one when he is standing

Oh, I’ll get that sorted then in this script:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
local sound = script.HurtSound
local animwait = script.HurtAnimation
local idlewait = script.IdleAnimation

if speed > 0 then
if Humanoid.Health <=25 then
    local anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animwait)
elseif Humanoid.Health >25 then
local idle = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(idlewait)

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Ok i’ll try it out and see if it works

Shoudln’t we play the idle anim after we load it?

Oh I forgot to do that. You can add that in.

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Should the walking anim priority be action or mouvement? And the idle one too?

It should be movement. Action is for something like a fighting animation.

Both of them should be mouvement?

The idle animation should be the animation priority Idle.

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It keeps saying this error : HurtAnimation is not a valid member of LocalScript “Workspace.furiousjumperFuNy.LocalScript”
Even tho my anim is in it and has the same name

Send me a picture of the name please.

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Can you tell me how to post an image rlly quik?

Oh, go to your keyboard and hit the windows button, shift and s at the same time.

i’m on mac soo… :confused:

You can select any position of the image. Like this:




After that, just hit CTRL and v when your commenting on the dev forum.

As i said before i’m on mac …

did it work? if not idk what to do

We cant see it because its not an image link, it’s a route to the file in your computer.

oh ok so i rlly don’t know how to post an image as i’ve never posted one before