I am trying to make multiple leaderboards but i am getting this warning:

i only have this two scripts for parts:

local part = script.Parent
local amplitude = 0.1-- how far up and down the part should move
local frequency = 0.5 -- how fast the part should move up and down
local angle = 0 -- variable to store the current angle of the part

while true do
	angle = angle + math.rad(10) -- increase the angle by 10 degrees every frame
	part.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(5), 0) -- rotate the part
	part.CFrame = part.CFrame + Vector3.new(0, amplitude * math.sin(angle * frequency), 0) -- move the part up and down
	wait() -- wait one frame before continuing the loop


local part = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Meshes/IceysAssetPack_Circle.008") -- the part that you want to spin

local part = script.Parent -- the part that you want to spin
local speed = 20 -- the speed at which you want the part to spin, in degrees per second

while true do
	part.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(speed * game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait()), 0)

PointsService is deprecated, consider using your own points manager.

It is deprecated. Please research before replying.

Remind me when it gets the DEPRECATED tag and also gets crossed like Wait().
Please research twice before replying.

I did a print of both:

Speed of wait() 0.035

Speed of task.wait() 0.003

We were arguing if it’s deprecated or not. Plus I am sure that it wouldn’t have a huge difference in this case when he needs a much bigger value than even a second.

so how would i fix it?


The Roblox docs are all over the place.

Here’s the documentation for task.wait()
It says that wait() is deprecated

Even if it’s mentioned as deprecated as this is a newer function it still does not have the TAG deprecated and is not crossed and used much more by developers. Who would waste 2 more seconds to write (task.), I wouldn’t neither most of the people who write code. Even the community knows that Programmers are lazy people and try to shorten the code they write.

It doesn’t it even take 2 seconds to write out task.wait(). You shouldn’t be using functions that are going to be deprecated in the future, and the point of doing a singular task.wait() is to wait a frame, and the smaller number it is, means it’s better for higher FPS.

Plus, you can always do this if you’re really desperate: local wait = task.wait

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The warning is telling you that too many requests are being sent to the server.
Roblox throttles the datastore requests.
You should look into using throttling.

the solution is to change task.wait(3) to task.wait(30) or task.wait(15) and have in the both leaderboards an about 5 to 10 seconds differance.

Thanks evrybody for the information even if i diden’t had any responses that realy solved the problem somme made me realise what was the essue.


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