I can't assign BackgroundColor3 to Color3.new()

Not sure. Did you ever try to use Color3.new(0,0,0) instead of black, whether it made a difference or not?

No it didn’t change anything…

You can change the black variable to Color3.fromRGB()

local black = Color3.fromRBG(0,0,0)
local GUIobject = script.Parent
GUIobject.BackgroundColor3 = black

It’s still fuzzy, what does ClearTable() do?

I got the same result when i tried fromrgb

Returns you a list of instances that are parented to Frame.
Frame’s parent is CGOLFrame

Now as you can see:

local thisTable = {
	["key1"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);
	["key2"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);
	["key3"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);

for _, value in pairs(thisTable) do
	value = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);

This doesn’t work at all. Because you want to do it a different way:

local thisTable = {
	["key1"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);
	["key2"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);
	["key3"] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);

for key, value in pairs(thisTable) do
	thisTable[key] = BackgroundColor3.new(x, y, z);

I think you forgot about that it isn’t a problem.
The problem is I can’t assign Color3 to BackgroundColor3

Ah I see. Everything in the new table is a Color3 instance. And then you are trying to set the BackgroundColor3 of the instance which can’t work.

Instead of doing newTBL[v.Name] = v.BackgroundColor try doing newTBL[v.Name] = v

Edit: I can recreate the problem in the command bar:

It is. If you read the lines:

if isStil then
	local UIOBJS = PLR.PlayerGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition(M.X, M.Y)
	local UIOBJS = ClearTable(UIOBJS)
	for _, v in pairs(UIOBJS) do
		v.BackgroundColor3 = black

The table contains no GUI at all, it’s only colors.

Oh i forgot that i was returning Background3 color XD.
Sorry if I offended someone

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