I cant figure IK out

(Ignore the guy in the back, ididnt know the video recording would pick up that audio from youtube)

I wanted this character (When mad) to point at you and tell you to leave. i try settign the target to the characters torso and that kinda works? it sets it but it also does not point at me…


why is this in building support

anywho assuming this is using IKControl instance, the world-class Roblox engine simply can’t do that. you’ll have to script it yourself.

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ive seen people using IK for this though…

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yes, because all inverse kinematics is IKControl
no, their own custom implementations

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I don’t understand how you can be so accustomed to spreading misinformation.

If you’re interested in IK, take a look at how Roblox does it in this announcement post:

And here’s a tutorial by them:


yes, IK, oooh its magic
IKConstraints simply don’t work on R6 and that is undeniably Roblox’s fault. What misinformation?

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ok so can i use IK or not??
Yes im using R6

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Yes, you can use IK on R6 with one modification.

The IKController will only work if the chain length of the limbs is at least 2. However, in R6, there is only 1 limb per arm. We can solve this by creating a ghost limb attached to whatever arm you are trying to animate. In this case, we are attaching a ghost limb named “Pointer” with a Motor6D to the Right Arm of the R6 character (shown as a neon part in the video):

As you can see, with the ghost part (which obviously will be hidden in-game), the IKContstraint works as expected.

Here’s the model of the rig in the video if you’re interested:
Working IK R6.rbxm (20.0 KB)
Drag the attachment named “PointTowards” to change where the arm is pointing.

cc: @AborayStudios


I suggest watching this video i saw a while ago its very good for understanding Roblox IK basics and might be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWRlgOw8fW4&pp=ygUJUm9ibG94IGlr (Video not mine).


so… a hacky work around‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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thanks for the help ill try this

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how would i make this point at a player though?

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If you’re using the rig file I sent, you can make the arm point toward the player by placing the “PointTowards” attachment CFrame to the player’s character Cframe.

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just tried that, it does not work at all

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Can you provide a video for your issue?

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