Yes. I uninstalled roblox studio from “add or remove programs”.
I can’t find out file named “Roblox”
Can you perhaps send a screenshot of what you see?
Click on the “AppData” file, and navigate to the file that says “Local”.
You should find the folder there.
Okay, I’ll leave how to navigate to the AppData folder listen step-by-step here.
- Go to Window’s Disk (C:)
- Go to the “Users” Folder.
- Click on your current Window’s account’s name.
- Go to the “View” tab at the top and make sure “Hidden items” has been checked.
- Navigate to the “AppData” folder.
I found file thats named “Roblox”
Should I delete it?
After deleting, try to install Studio back and see if the issue has been solved.
All the settings in the studio were initialized. But again it doesn’t work. (my studio data is ok)
If it’s still not fixed by tomorrow, I’ll contact the roblox bug support team. (Maybe it wont fix)
Thanks guys for helping.
Bug like this? I’ve never experienced this before so I don’t know why. I’m connected to the internet and haven’t installed any suspicious plugins or models so I really don’t know why… I hope roblox does it well…
Wait, have you tried actually joining your game from the Roblox website?
It might just have been a visual glitch.
Sorry for the confusing expression… It’s roblox studio.
No, I mean, have you tried visiting your game on the Roblox website itself?
No i didn’t… roblox website is normal i guees.
Could you tell me what you’re trying to update yourself, and if you’re comfortable, would you mind sharing your game link?
I can’t publish game and I was trying to save Baseplate.