Title says it all; on this thread, I need to mark a new post as a solution, but I cannot.
This is extremely annoying, as I want to give attention to that post. I have never had this issue before. If this is intended and not a bug, could you disable it for #collaboration? Many people use it to draw attention to a certain post.
Solutions in certain categories were turned off as per this feature request:
Unfortunately that also stops anyone from clearing out solutions on those categories that were already put on topics. I’ve unmarked the solution for you manually. We have no plans to fix this broadly for this category because this should only affect legacy topics, and Talent Hub (currently in private beta) will eventually replace this category.
If you need to highlight a post, you can drop a link in your first post and it should embed.
I don’t have a full list for you but it should still be enabled in any category where it makes sense to mark a solution, such as #help-and-feedback categories apart from #help-and-feedback:cool-creations.