I don't fully understand remote events

how can I send the mouse position’s to the server?

Thank you @Miserable_Haven for the correction, I had not specified correctly before.

If you want to create an example to practice, you can make a clickable button that invokes the player’s click (ClientSided), which fires the server, and OnServerEvent you summon a part. Now the part will be able to be seen for every single client.


sorry, i think that was a little too advanced; try making a team changer (or the one above)

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Dam, I did it using your visual.

I still don’t really understand when I am meant to do :fireserver() and .OnServerEvent. I think I just need more practice to be honest.

Just think on a GUI. Player presses a gui button. Send an event to the server to let it know.

Server then does whatever u want and u can also use same event to send back to the gui to do whatever.

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The most common practice for utilizing a :FireServer() function is whenever a player controlled action needs to modify on the server so other people can see.

Examples being;
When the player press the ‘E’ button on their keyboard to open a gate to progress. Running everything on the client will work, but only open the gate for the player pressing E, not for the others. If it’s a team-based game, and there’s only one key that can open the gate, you have to make sure the gate opens for everyone. So, pressing ‘E’ key, fire the server, and the server will update everyone’s client to see the gate open.

In a game where building is necessary. If you run the placing of blocks on the client-side, only the player placing them can see them. The blocks the player places has to be seen and interacted with by everyone. So, placing a block, fire the server, and the server will update everyone’s client to see the block.

Normal scripts are possible in ScreenGUis in Starter Gui

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