I feel unsatisfied with this framework, should i restart on it?

thank you for being my personal grammar checker I really needed that my laptop didnt (didn’t) do a good enough job going to have to fire it.

I will edit my reply maybe I am uneducated

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checker, my

reply, maybe

(I tried moving it to a Private Message, but nobody replied there)

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okay, wth. i created this post for feedback, not to be a roblox dev pissing contest. so if you don’t have anything meaningful to add, just shut up


here is the new place file with better everything

yes there are free models but they are acting as placeholders until i can get my 3d modeler to make them for me


sorry for “starting” and argument hears some feedback

the sounds aren’t the best there kind of annoying and the echo is a little weird

you can also zoom I recommend locking the camera to first person its really easy I think there’s just a setting some were but I forgot.

there should be a bullet counter that tells you how many bullets you have left even just a textlabel would be good

also I think if you have an empty mag then it should make you automatically reload if you try and shoot

I like the recoil and the smooth movement the animations are pretty good and it works pretty good overall

again sorry for ruining this thread but I hope this feedback helps

You should also see how sad the remington is with the fire sound.

Also, it loads too fast and the M4A1 has weird reloading anim.

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