I have problem with a horror game script

you know what il just make it myself

wait a second make what yourself

oh I get it i get it no problem

But the thing is the player may not spot the monster.

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so he has to keep getting around till he sees it

That is going to take up time, why don’t you make it automatic?

Imagine a player is legit confused because they don’t know what to do at that part, Because a monster is just running around everywhere.

I would leave eventually and probably not continue it.

Your not guaranteed to see the monster.

Also, You would need to use Raycast to detect if the player even spots the monster.

You should at least know how to do that first.

nononono wait you got it all wrong the monster does not move at all… did you read the story I said?

the monster is always in the elevator and waiting to be spotted

Still, the player may not see the monster AND you still need Raycasting.

That’s the reason I started the topic at the first place so someone comes and tell me what I need for this situation

and also don’t worry the player will see the monster cause the map is so small

Well you need Raycasting.

The way you formed the post is confusing, your grammar is throwing me off and I don’t even know what your trying to achieve.

Try being more descriptive.

I did

the real explanation is this

If you don’t get my point, I cant help you.

that’s the story, you never stated what you wanted to achieve, Your grammar throws me off, Your explanation isn’t helping earthier.

Im putting this in big text because you clearly don’t understand what Im saying

sorry if it’s not enough but I said all I needed to say for you guys to get what I’m trying to do

At this point I can’t help you, Im going to dip

gl on this