i will try to figure it out but idk really where i need to put it in the script so i will try you can help if you want but i’m trying first before getting help i will let you know when i got it
You could even think about making the ProgressBar a class.
But that’s fully up to you whether you wanna do that or not.
local ProgressBar = {}
ProgressBar.__index = ProgressBar
function ProgressBar.new(progressBackground, max)
local bar = {}
bar.progressFrame = progressBackground
bar.min = 0
bar.max = max
bar.value = bar.min
setmetatable(bar, ProgressBar)
return bar
function ProgressBar:update(value, max)
if typeof(value) == "number" and value >= self.min and value <= self.max then
self.value = value
if typeof(max) == "number" and max >= self.min then
self.max = max
function ProgressBar:render()
self.progressFrame.Size = UDim2.new(math.clamp(self.value / self.max, 0, 1), self.frames.progress.Size.X.Offset, self.frames.progress.Size.Y.Scale, self.frames.progress.Size.Y.Offset)
return ProgressBar
maybe i’m really dumb but idk what a class is lol
Ah, then just leave it as you have it right now.
You’ll learn about it later. Good luck!
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ty for helping me if you didn’t help me i didn’t fix this!