Hi, I can help in roblox studio, I have experience in script(but no hard) , build and gui
If you want help contact me in discord
The Developer#3268
This my creation some is not finish

I help if you pay me robux.Sorry forma my bad inglies
Hi, I can help in roblox studio, I have experience in script(but no hard) , build and gui
If you want help contact me in discord
The Developer#3268
This my creation some is not finish
I help if you pay me robux.Sorry forma my bad inglies
Nice work! But this belongs in #collaboration:recruitment ,not here. Also, you should try to use the format provided and give a ballpark of your prices. Make sure to watermark your work also.
This would actually go into #collaboration:portfolios
Follow the portfolio guidelines and it should be good.
Recruitment is when you are seeking to find developers.
Yeah my bad. It’s still very early here haha!