I made a game that's doing well, however so many exploiters are ruining it and making people leave. What do I do?

I made a joke game (balls | v2 - Roblox) and it’s fairly doing well, however an absurd amount of exploiters are ruining it and making people leave. What are good anti-exploits for fly hackers or inf-jumpers?

Any suggestions are appreciated as I just really want people to enjoy the game.

Found these

These don’t help me regardless due to fly hackers and inf-jumpers. What am I even supposed to do.

Judging from the description of the game, a player must touch a part to reset the balls.

What you could do is see just how many balls are there, and if there’s enough balls in the tower, it’ll clear the tower, but if there isn’t enough balls, the script wont do anything.

Aha! That seems as that’s perfect HOWEVER, I don’t know how I’d be able to count all objects in the folder that contains the balls.

You can use :GetChildren(): to count how many parts are there in the folder that has the balls.

local Balls = workspace.Balls:GetChildren()
if #Balls >= 25 then
print("There's 25 or more balls")
print("There's less than 25 balls")

Something like this should work. Just typed this with what I know. Not sure if I misspelled anything