I made a tower game feedback!

It is available for all devices. It should work.

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Go to u model and go down and do this on

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I’ll do one but do you put names of who created it on the stage?

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Dude, just download the file and open with studio. Please? Maybe?

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Oh now is done!



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I can’t script, but is it okay if I submit my idea if I explain what parts do what?

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You can but it’s not called copyright.

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Pretty sure an idea doesn’t fall under intellectual property :thinking:

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No, you are completely right, my bad!


If you make it too similar you can fall under IP violation though…Too many toh copies already, they aren’t gonna do anything about it.


It’s offsale. I can’t use pump up

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I made it a place file. Check it out in my post above.

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Great! Only real recommendation is to change to R6, instead of 15

(For animation, movement, and other reasons)


What do I add in-game?

So I can make more updates!

Is this allowed? I have a really good idea for a stage…

We are shutdowns players hack my account and remove it

I wouldn’t be to sure bro, just concerning.
I’d recommend renaming it to “Tower of hell remastered” like the doomspire brickbattle remaster did, just to be safe.

We are back!


Also, we need a NEW CO-OWBER!

Here is game! Vertiginous Tower | Beta - Roblox

we are back now is okay!

Here is the game! Vertiginous Tower | Beta - Roblox