I need help in my script

The script is disabled. Just remove script.Disable = true…

The best option here is break command it is made to break loops and is very helpful in these conditions you can use it by:

-that wouldnt work? it will just break as soon as it cframes once.

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You need to add a condition as per your request.

Here you go. I didn’t explain what I did, but hopefully, you will learn from it anyways. It’s simple enough to understand.

local Click = script.Parent
local Breakable = script.Parent.Breakable
local Part = script.Parent.Parent
local Effect = script.Parent.Parent.Effect

    if Breakable.Value == true then
        Part.Anchored = false
        Effect.Enabled = true
        Effect.Enabled = false
        Part.Orientation = Vector3.new(45, 0, 0)

        local start=tick()
        while tick()-start<2 do -- Loop
            Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, .5) -- I adjusted the distance so it doesn't go 600 studs