I need help with an error in my script

I have it connected to a script so when the Gui opens. This one is also a Local script. But here is the whole script.

local pad = game.Workspace.StepOnButtons.OvenOpen1
local closeb = script.Parent.MainFrame.BurgerFrame.CookBurger.TextButton
local frame = script.Parent.MainFrame

	frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.263, 0, 0.215, 0), "Out","Elastic")
	local plrname = hit.Parent.Name
	script.Parent.MainFrame.Countdown.TextLabel.CountdownScript.Disabled = false
	game.Workspace[plrname].Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
	game:GetService("Workspace").StepOnButtons.OvenOpen1.PersonUsingOven.Value = plrname

	frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.263, 0, -0.9, 0))
	script.Parent.MainFrame.Countdown.TextLabel.CountdownScript.Disabled = true
	script.Parent.MainFrame.Countdown.TextLabel.Text = "This will close in: 10"

When a client makes a change to something in the game such as with game:GetService("Workspace").StepOnButtons.OvenOpen1.PersonUsingOven.Value = plrname, other players cannot see that change. Only the client sees this change. When the LocalScript sets this value, other players will see the value as nil. Is this what you intended?

Yes, as I don’t want the Gui pulling up for everyone once one person steps on it.

Ok, the first script also needs to be a LocalScript. The LocalScript (owned by the client) is changing a value in workspace, so the server script (owned by the server) won’t see that change.