I need help with scripting a GUI light button

If not that’s fine, it would just make it even better

My script should already make it so that they can’t make it change more than once.
Script that I used: (same as before)

local Button = script.Parent
local LED = workspace.Part
local LEDBrickColor = BrickColor.new("Earth green")

	LED.BrickColor = LEDBrickColor

	if not LED:FindFirstChild("Light") then -- Checks if there is already a light, if not then it spawns one.
		local Light = Instance.new("PointLight")
		Light.Name = "Light"
		Light.Color = LEDBrickColor.Color
		Light.Brightness = 100
		Light.Parent = LED
		LED.Light.Color = LEDBrickColor.Color

Well the brightness gets brighter each time but thats alright you have already helped alot. I made another topic for people to help fix it