I need your build ideas

Its been almost half a year since I’ve took a break from Roblox Studio to continue on my exams and my YouTube career, but I wanted to make sure that I dont miss my building skills.

I need your help to give me some good ideas, requirements:-

  • A simple build idea that I can practice on
  • Showcases that involves building and stuff like that, not include terrain editor
  • Yes, you can send concept pictures

Your replies helps me to improve my skills of becoming a better builder, :slight_smile:


I think you should make an italian house!

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I got no clue to what genre you want so heres a ruined observation tower

or you could make a medieval house :man_shrugging:


That’ll take months to do from the pic itself…

But medieval house, I can try that

a very basic, blocky village complete with merchants and etc.

but if you are looking for a more detailed thing, I’d recommend a modern city (not the entire thing), maybe an alleyway.

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I bet some form of Sci-Fi weapon would be nice! :smiley:

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Refer to previous discussed thread;

If your lacking on what to build, gather ideas from reference images hop on google - pinterest other inspiration sites and figure out what idea to work on next as it will help improve your skills. Perhaps start with a medieval house, or something your interested in it can be anything from castles - spaceships to large looking showcases and just keep gathering ideas and still create certain things.

Remember, if you still lack ideas on what to build next try searching for real life buildings or lookin through resources that help spark an idea. You could always brainstorm countless of ideas and place on a piece of paper for future projects;

Im talking about your own concepts of build for me to try

I havent tried modelling before, but seems like a good time for me to try it out

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