I used a table method and it sorta works for my weapon giver gui

When you did

the server reacted to this from

so the Message and windsword in this script ^ is the same as “Giver gear” and “WindSword”


oh ok I see it now thx so much bro you can do your thing now ill tell you if i ever find a promblem but for now thx

If your still un sure here is a video I found explaining it
How to SCRIPT on Roblox #2 - Variables - YouTube
or you could check out
Variables (roblox.com)

no no i understand now but since you helped ill watch that just in case

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wait before you go how would i make it where it prints whenever you fire it? @ItzBloxyDev

The print function: Print("WaveSword") or print(item)

you would put it after this remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, Message, WindSword)

what about it printing in client?

same thing, you would put it in the click function

ok thats all i needed nothing else thx bro

No problem, glad I could help.

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