I want to create a script that makes a model visible after pressing an button for an client only

i should re-name the parts named “path” to a name which fit with the era model

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Yes and when you use v:isA('BasePart') and v.Name == 'Name goes here' it should determine the right path for the button.

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add the singular quote mark, I forgot to add it

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you didnt add an end quote after basepart

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The borders don’t go invisible anymore, this is the current code

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So I’ve done the following: I’ve created 2 guis, one for era 1 and one for era 2 (these are examples). With borders for their equivalent time periods.

local button = script.Parent
	for i, v in game.Workspace.Folder:GetDescendants() do
		if v.Parent.Name ~= 'Wall' and v:IsA('BasePart') then
			v.Transparency = 1
			if v:IsA('BasePart') then
				if v.Transparency == 0 then
					v.Transparency = 1
					v.Transparency = 0

The buttons on the left i’ve labelled as Era1 and the ones on the right as Era2

This is the end result:

And here is a photo of my explorer so far and how i’ve organized it:

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There are way better ways to optimize this code but this is what i’ve rushed right now. I also forgot to mention but this code can be applied to the state lines as well.

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i changed the ‘Country’ part, the border go invisible, just not visible again, changed the second transparency to 0, but now the other borders show up again

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I figured it out!

thanks to everyone who helped!


we’re glad to have helped you out with this issue, if you’ve got any more questions, we’ll try to help.

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