When equipping it not keep in idle animation check gif :
Literally the same thing is happening to me. Roblox has two idle animations that both play in a loop after a few seconds, and for some reason some idle animations will make the loop stop and your character will go into the default pose. I’m still figuring out how to fix it, but I just left this comment to inform you a little bit about what’s happening.
I’m not sure if these are the issues, but just to be sure, if your game is uploaded to your profile then make sure the animations are uploaded to your profile. If it’s uploaded to a group then the animations should be uploaded to group. And maybe try changing animation priority when exporting.
This is almost certainly the default idle animations playing over your idle animations. When exporting the animation, you probably want to raise the animation priority it to “Action”.
I did that a long time ago but it doesn’t work
I will try that, just a sec let me export again
Here is the problem in full detail. Of course this is my scenario, but I’m pretty sure the same thing is happening here. Keep in mind it doesn’t matter what I set the animation priority to.
Doenst work i tried … Thats strange, how everybody make a idle animation for a tool works ?
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local h = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local debounce = false
local Idle = Instance.new("Animation")
Idle.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7199678909"
local animIdle = h:LoadAnimation(Idle)
animIdle.Looped = true
animIdle.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
local Equip = Instance.new("Animation")
Equip.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7209908583"
local animEquip = h:LoadAnimation(Equip)
animEquip.Looped = false
animEquip.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
local DesEquip = Instance.new("Animation")
DesEquip.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7229749337"
local animDesEquip = h:LoadAnimation(DesEquip)
animDesEquip.Looped = false
animDesEquip.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
local Mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local Tool = script.Parent
local Remote = Tool:WaitForChild("Remote")
local Remote2 = Tool:WaitForChild("Remote2")
local equipado = false
local animando = false
function onMouseMove()
Remote:FireServer("UpdateDirection", Mouse.Hit.p)
if equipado==true and animando==false then
if debounce == false then
debounce = true
debounce = false
Hmmm, so it seems like no matter what method you use, the same problem will happen. I used a completely different and primitive method and the same happened. This definitely has to do something with the animation you published to the roblox website.
I don’t suggest re-exporting it as a different asset though. I tried that and it didn’t work. For some reason a crawling idle animation I made works for me.
But theres a way to fix it i know… like in the Rake game The Rake REMASTERED - Roblox the flashlight has a idle animation working for everybody, how that works???
I guess they used a crazy advanced script or something, but like I said before, for some reason it only happens for specific animations. The only idle animation that perfectly worked for me is the one where you are laying on the ground, but the ones where you stand normally seem to not work.
There it looks like they didn’t replace the idle animation, but they just played an animation on the humanoid with action priority
Yea, thats what looks like…well i will try use that
But they make the animation play when you equip or unequip a tool and stuff. For me I want it to actually replace the idle animation, and I know it’s possible to do that.
You sure? thats what i’m looking for but i think i will use the rake code to solve it
Eh well that’s just talking about my scenario, but you do whatever you can to fix your problem
I saw someone talking about this : Animator | Roblox Creator Documentation to replace the humanoid:animation:Play() , can you try that? Maybe can solve ours problems
Ok i solved the problem with the idle animation , check out :
What i did: i replaced the animation with the rake one, so i think the problem itself is the animation, i will find what the different between mine and they animations