If-Clause for Team

I am looking for a basic “If-clause” That only does something if the player is in a specific team.
I have a script that is perfectly working, I just need it to only work when the player is in a specific team.
Can anyone help me with that?

-Greetings from germany

if player.Team.Name == "TeamName" then


If you’re not sure whether the player is in a team already or not, you should check if the player is in a team first:

if player.Team then
    if player.Team.Name == "TeamName" then
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Check with the following code:

if player.Team ~= nil then DoTeamFunction(player.Team) end

Or you could do:

if player.Team ~= nil then
    local Team = player.Team
    -- Do function here

@speeddecoolste There is no such thing as player.Team.Name since player.Team is its own attribute and therefore there is no “name” sub-attribute.

Okay, so I have a script that basically checks the groups of a player, and if the player has a specific rank in a group or higher, he will get tools from a folder cloned in his inventory, that part is working perfectly fine.
Now If I team myself in that team, either via GUI or via Admin Command, I need it to give me the tools.


local ToolFolder = script:WaitForChild(“ToolFolder”)

local tools = {“Notepad”,“Torch”,“Traffic Cone”}

local groups = {
{Group = 5559086, Rank = 1}

for i = 1, #groups do – CHECKS GROUPS
if Player:GetRankInGroup(groups[i][“Group”]) >= groups[i][“Rank”] then – VERIFIES PLAYER
for i = 1, #tools do – CHECKS TOOLS
if ToolFolder:FindFirstChild(tools[i]) then

				local Cloned = ToolFolder:FindFirstChild(tools[i]):Clone() -- CLONES THE TOOL
				Cloned.Parent = game:GetService("StarterPack")-- GIVES IT TO THE PLAYER
				local newCloned = game:GetService("StarterPack"):WaitForChild(tools[i]):Clone()
				newCloned.Parent = Player.Backpack


if ToolFolder ~= nil then
ToolFolder.Parent = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)

Now I just added this:


local ToolFolder = script:WaitForChild(“ToolFolder”)

local tools = {“Notepad”,“Torch”,“Traffic Cone”}

local groups = {
{Group = 5559086, Rank = 1}

if player.Team.Name == “Polizei” then – This is the Team Name which the player needs to be in to get the tools.

for i = 1, #groups do – CHECKS GROUPS
if Player:GetRankInGroup(groups[i][“Group”]) >= groups[i][“Rank”] then – VERIFIES PLAYER
for i = 1, #tools do – CHECKS TOOLS
if ToolFolder:FindFirstChild(tools[i]) then

				local Cloned = ToolFolder:FindFirstChild(tools[i]):Clone() -- CLONES THE TOOL
				Cloned.Parent = game:GetService("StarterPack")-- GIVES IT TO THE PLAYER
				local newCloned = game:GetService("StarterPack"):WaitForChild(tools[i]):Clone()
				newCloned.Parent = Player.Backpack


if ToolFolder ~= nil then
ToolFolder.Parent = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)


player.Team.Name does exist actually,

since a team is a class and has its own properties such as Name

No, you’ve made a mistake.

That article refers to Team.Name, not player.Team.Name.

Teams obviously have a team property, but the Player Team Attribute does not have its own Name attribute since player.Team is the name of the team the player is in.

By using player.Team,

you get the whole team object with it’s own attributes,
try it out:

if player.Team then

example from studio:

Could you format the code you’ve send to make it more readable by using ``` above and below the code?

local Tools = {"Notepad","Torch","Traffic Cone"}
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ToolsFolder = script:WaitForChild("ToolFolder")
local Groups = {
        [1] = {5559086,1}

function onPlayerAdded(Player)
   for _,value in pairs(Groups) do
         local g = value[1]
         local v = value[2]
         if Player:GetRankInGroup(g) >= v and Player.Team == game:GetService("Teams"):WaitForChild("Polizei") then
               for _,toolName in pairs(Tools) do
                     for _,tool in pairs(ToolsFolder:GetChildren()) do
                           if tool.Name == toolName then
                                 tool:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack

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Player.Team.Name may exist but is it not more effective to do:

if player.Team == game:GetService("Teams"):WaitForChild("Team") then

Printing player.Team and player.Team.Name return the same result but it would make more sense to check for the actual team, would it not?

There are more ways to check in which team a player is but by using this code you are not actually looking in which team the player is because you are using WaitForChild(“Team”)

if player.Team == game:GetService("Teams"):WaitForChild("Team") then

In your case you should loop through all teams and try to match the team with the player’s team in order to confirm in which team the player is

for i, team in pairs(game.Teams:GetTeams()) do
     if player.Team == team then
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That is able to work, but you’re doing “:WaitForChild()”, in speedecoolste’s code, it shows a more simplistic way to do it, getting the team name and comparing what team the player is in, makes it more effective and easier to handle it.


Basically, there are a lot of subdifferential ways to do it, if we wanted to actually have the most effective way, I’d have to go to speeddecoolste’s code since you can basically test it out in studio and also a reply to the last reply that they posted, it proves a point and gives better understanding.

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With that being said, if you have the specific team that the player is in and you want the server to do something specifically for that team or the player that is in the team, that would be easier than having to loop.

I’m not sure I get what you mean by this, but :WaitForChild() will still work because it is comparing the Player’s team with one that should exist. WaitForChild won’t mean that if it is not the same that it will hang and yield indefinitely, simply it means that it is waiting for the said team to exist first, before comparing it.

In order to get the team objects (all teams) you have to loop through all teams by using GetTeams() as I showed you in post 11

WaitForChild looks for and returns an Instance, so I am unsure of what I am supposed to understand by your statement.

if player.Team == game:GetService("Teams"):WaitForChild("Team") then

You cant use WaitForChild() in this context because the service Teams does not have teams as it’s child. In order to get the teams from the service Teams, you have to use GetTeams()

EDIT: my bad, the teams are in fact parented to the service Teams, but by using :WaitForChild(“Team”) you are trying to find a child named “Team”

I used WaitForChild(“Team”) with the team to look for named “Team” just as an example. By right, you would look for a team named Polizei instead.

Although it may work, it’s not good practice to consistently use :WaitForChild() if it’s not absolutely necessary. Only use it in situations where it is not always guaranteed that an instance will be present at runtime.

If you insisted on using your method, it would be something similar to this:

local TeamHere = Teams.TeamName

if Player.Team == TeamHere then

Either way, it will work but when it comes to good programming, it’s good to steer clear of habits that could cause issues in the long run.

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