Im looking to make a infection game

I’m looking to script an infection game I looked on yt but I’m trying to see how I can get a multiplier script where when the player touches the other player they get infected.


I can’t tell if you’re looking for scripting help or to hire scripters to help. Tell us more?

im not trying to recruit im trying to see how I can get a multiplier script where when the player touches the other player they get infected

Don’t go very hard with him.

First of all this is not off-topic, actually he is talking about scripting. How something about scripting would be off-topic in a Scripting Support category?.

He just made this thread in an incorrect way. Something normal for new developers in this forum, i have made this kind of mistakes, if you look in my first thread, i didn’t use code blocks, i didn’t provide a script, etc. That’s normal.

He actually gave more infomration about what he needed:

What do you want: people asking entire games or people asking codes Turtle, there are other people asking much more codes, and most of them are harder to obtain than this one, i guess.

Of course he would defend himself, get this discussion to messages, please.

Back to the main topic: Could you give us more information about what you said?

Thanks for reading.


You can find many many zombie scripts in Free Models if you’re just looking for a script to take. You’ll find this in the Toolbox in Roblox Studio.

If you’re serious about your game I suggest learning a bit about how it works to avoid running into issues later. Generally there is a Touched event which “infects” the parent character of the touched body part if they haven’t already been infected.

There’s so many different ways to achieve the effect beyond there, but the Touched event is definitely the place to start if you’re wanting to make it yourself.



Hes obviously asking for help on how he could script something like this lol.

Also to answer your question, you could use booleans and the Touched event to detect whether a player is colliding and whether their state is true or false.

You can ask for help making such a script, but don’t ask for the script itself.

A method i have used to make a touch infect thing:
When you touch a character, you check for a certain ‘Tag’. This tag may be called ‘Infected’ or something else. If it is there, do nothing. Else, copy this script, paste it in that character and put the tag object inside that character.

yeah that’s what I need.

(30 characters)

It might not be such a good idea to make such a game right now because of the current covid-19 pandemic. Please. Make it into something else that can spread that isn’t a virus or infection or whatever.

I made this game to help you, it is copyable. You will learn: The Touched event, ipairs, BrickColor, and more:

The game: Infection - For badlad921 - Roblox

I made it fast, bugs may occur.

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ok thanks again for doing this