When the request is sent to discord, the image isn’t displaying on the embed.
Embed Preview:
function reportPlayer(admin, UserID, length, reason)
if debounce then return end
debounce = true
local userID = tonumber(UserID)
local Player = Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(userID)
local ThumbnailID = string.format("https://www.roblox.com/asset-thumbnail/image?assetId=%d&width=420&height=420&format=png", userID)
local data = {
['embeds'] = {{
['title'] = "Player Banned",
['description'] = "",
['color'] = tonumber(0x9c4141),
['thumbnail'] = {
["url"] = ThumbnailID,
["height"] = 420,
["width"] = 420
['fields'] = {
['name'] = "**Banned Player:**",
['value'] = Player,
['inline'] = true
['name'] = "**Moderator:**",
['value'] = admin.Name,
['inline'] = true
['name'] = "**Profile Link for banned player**",
['value'] = "[Proflie](https://www.roblox.com/users/"..userID.."/profile)",
['inline'] = true
['name'] = "**Date**",
['value'] = os.date("*t")["hour"]..":"..os.date("*t")["min"].." | "..os.date("*t")["day"].."/"..os.date("*t")["month"].."/"..os.date("*t")["year"],
['inline'] = true
['name'] = "**Reason**",
['value'] = reason,
['inline'] = true
['name'] = "**Banned Length**",
['value'] = length.." seconds",
['inline'] = true
local finaldata = http:JSONEncode(data)
http:PostAsync(url, finaldata)
debounce = false