local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local PlayerGUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local Frame = PlayerGUI.IntroGUI
local SmileIcon = Frame.SmileIcon
wait(5) -- I waited for the loading screen
TweenService:Create(SmileIcon , TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {ImageTransparency = 0}):Play()
That’s how them loading screens are. Always have to watch that. Gives odd errors that really come down to not being loaded in time for the script process. :WaitForChild() can help sometimes also.
Also your black screen can be set to:
AnchorPoint 0.5,0.5
size {100.0},{100,0}
IntroGui has the IgnoreGuilnse set up
This will cover the whole screen…
Just make sure the other things have a higher ZIndex so they are over it.
If you want help, just login to Discord on google otherwise I can’t do much to help, the script works for me. Test the exact script I sent you, delete the old one and go from there.
I was tring to figure out your problem while tring to figure out what you really want it to do.
Even if you’re just removing that black screen on a PC at 1920x1080 I’m seeing a huge gap.