Important - Shutting down TC servers was broken again

The issue is that the team create server enters a bad state for any number of reasons and it needs to be recovered. Downloading the place file does not fix this.

I guess turning off TC from the website would work… You could turn it off and turn it back on to accomplish restarting it, I suppose.


First of all on that “feature” with TC server shutdown. It wasn’t a workaround. It was a bug that caused people to loose their work every time they were publishing their games. So we fixed that bug.

We never had an intention to shut down TC servers. However, we see enough evidence that this feature is needed (at least now). Would turning off team create from the web solve the issue?

Yep, as I was asking about, it seems like there was another reason other than what was originally posted. I completely agree that this is terrible, and have no complaints about this behavior being patched now knowing this. Regrettably, both staff -> user and user -> staff feedback were received sourly because we weren’t on the same page, so I’m glad the full reason for patching TC shutdowns has been communicated.

The primary issues I’ve encountered with TC are related to temporarily (for hours) not being able to connect or having trouble keeping connection. They are currently not resolvable as I have to not have these problems in order to stop them. Being able to shut off TC from the website would allow me to work around these issues until they temporarily stop or are more permanently resolved.

Sharksie seems to encounter different issues with TC (scripts being locked?), but as he mentioned, shutting off TC from the web and turning it back on would be the equivalent of restarting the TC server, so I don’t see any problems with this.

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