Importing translations to cloud table by CSV no longer works (Using Official Plugin)

Reproduction Steps

I’ve been trying to upload my CSV translations to this game’s cloud table: [7 NEW CARS] Car Crushers 2 - Roblox

Expected Behavior

When I use the official Localization Tool plugin and choose the “Update” option to update my cloud table with a CSV file, I will get the following confirmation popup:


When I click to confirm, I expect all the entries and translations for the affected languages to register in the cloud table.

Actual Behavior

The entries that are counted under “Add entries” will be registered properly in the cloud table, but not the translations (Neither the updated translations or the new ones)


I can add a local embedded table with the same translations under LocalizationService as temporary workaround.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-02-04 00:02:00 (+01:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-02-06 00:02:00 (+01:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


I am also having this issue. The “Update” feature is completely broken for me. I was able to successfully upload my CSV file by first downloading the cloud tables, adding the missing translations, then uploading the CSV using the “Replace” table feature. However after a few days all the changes were reverted so I was back to square one. No changes were made to the cloud tables during that time.


This has also been an issue for me. It was reported over a month ago and yet the plugin is still broken and there are no follow ups. Games have been stuck with old translations for over a month now.

Replying this and hope it gets more attention and gets addressed ASAP.


Same issue here. I can upload my CSV and it adds the strings, but only 2% of them actually have translations.

Thanks for the report. We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll keep you updated on progress!

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Hey @Panwellz - thanks for your report! We’re currently unable to reproduce this issue - are you still having problems with the plugin? If yes, we’ll do some more investigation but if not, we’ll go ahead and close this out.

I believe this was fixed. I’ll mark the post as solved

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