Imposible to walk through Negative Parts

Hi, i have a problema that is that when i cut an object with Negative Parts , i cant pass through there beacuse the Negative Part is CanCollide
I tried to quit it but it doesnt work.

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Could you please provide some more details to your problem? Are you not able to pass through a union after you use a negative part, or is it that you just have a negative part and you are trying to walk through it with your character after disabling CanCollide?


Pass through a union with Negative Parts

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Did you check the union’s CollideFidelity? Make sure to set it to Default or Hull.

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Unions do not have collisions that match how they look. Collisions get simplified to improve performance. If your unions have CollisionFidelity == Default and you still have this problem, you will need to use multiple parts that have not been unioned together.

You can enable this setting to see how unions will collide.


Thank you.

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CloneTrooper1019 made a plug-in to toggle ShowDecompositionGeometry without going into the settings and dismissing the popup every time. It’s an indispensable plugin for the CSG modeler.

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