Improvements to Part Shape & Size

It was al a few weeks early that I saw that you can change it to wedge and corner wedge


This is the fault of your own code. SpecialMeshes have effectively been useless for a while and it’s only a matter of time until they’re deprecated. How about cloning a MeshPart instead?


I don’t think SpecialMesh will be deprecated because you currently also still need it to insert a mesh into a part (e.g. you want to add/replace a mesh during runtime but keep the collision box-shaped).

Replacing SpecialMesh instances is a lot more convenient than replacing a MeshPart or making it invisible and then welding another mesh onto it.

To replace a MeshPart you’d have to Destroy() it and then weld a different MeshPart onto said model which can also break scripts that have that MeshPart referenced.

For this reason I prefer using SpecialMesh and set it to “File mesh” so I can just insert IDs and swap meshes on the fly.


This is a great change, but it also is annoying due to the icons defaulting to just block parts. I do hope that every shape can have a special icon so it’s easier to tell which shape the part is without clicking onto it


Just a suggestion - if you wanted to add a way to stretch cylinders and spheres, would it be possible to add like a stretch tickbox under the shape section? It could be unticked by default for compatibility!

Obviously don’t know what complications this could cause behind the scenes but this would be my solution!


One of the greatest updates ever!


I wanted to ask about that, do spheres and cylinders still keep their perfect round collissions if i were to join them in a larger assembly?

for example if I made a capsule shape from 2 spheres and 1 cylinder


SpecialMeshes are integral to my fashion game. We heavily rely on its ability to be tinted (VertexColor) for many aspects of our game. We’d be willing to move to MeshParts if they gained this ability, but for now, we absolutely cannot.



As was stated earlier in this thread, you can not set the MeshId of MeshParts in runtime.

How about cloning a MeshPart instead?

On larger games it is imperative to store assets on the server to reduce client memory usage and loading times, and if you want the client to see a local copy of the asset you would need to reconstruct it, something that is an impossibility with MeshParts.

In addition, SpecialMeshes have the distinct advantage of being able to stretch meshes far beyond regular part size limits and without the expensive calculations that setting part sizes involve.

Until all the above has been resolved, SpecialMeshes are not going to be deprecated.


Not sure why they don’t just give behavior similar to special mesh when the mesh id is changed during run time or AT LEAST very limited CollisionGeometry.


Investors have no say on how the development side of Roblox works. Only what pleases investors, hence investors wanting to only change things they are familiar with, not development tools that they have no association with.


If that’s the case, then explain to me why Roblox’s own code for models in the toolbox use special meshes the same way that I’m using them.

The use case is making a weapon projectile like a rocket and then cloning it each time it’s needed. I learned it from Roblox’s own code, so it’s sanctioned. If you want to blame someone for why SpecialMesh is hanging around, then blame Roblox.

Just because the class doesn’t conform to your viewpoint of your programming paradigm, doesn’t mean that others share the same viewpoint. It serves a use and Roblox themselves use it.


It is a tad bit quirky, uh… I tried inserting a sphere using the ribbon bar “insert part” button but it defaulted to the initial scaling x=y=z, I got one to work when I inserted a sphere into a part using the same button, which worked, until I parented it to workspace and it defaulted to x=y=z scaling again (as seen in the video).

Edit: I just realized we can only scale it in x=y=z, and we now have to convert it to a different object type to scale it by other axes. Shouldn’t the default for scaling spheres allow us to edit each axis independently?


i dont really know if this is the cause but im experiencing abnormal behaviour w resizing parts now which has surfacegui’s inside - it resizes the part as if it’s a model instead now which is pretty goofy; how can i revert this superfluous change so it works like before
(just to reiterate, it’s a part with surfacegui inside)


Will there be any upgrades to the “Truss” part instance? I’d love to be able to turn a regular part into a Truss through the Part.Shape property, and be able to scale it further beyond the limit of 2x64x2 studs.

Understandably, pathfinding via Truss instances will get a bit skewed if we could resize beyond a base of 2x2 studs; as well as the style of the Truss possibly behaving weirdly (aka, the support beam styles).

It’d also be great if the Truss can be added to the “Insert Part” menu instead of having to search it up on the Toolbox, or right-clicking in the workspace and search up the Truss to insert :slight_smile:


I actually did find that InsertService can in fact create MeshParts with a given idea during runtime but only during it’s creation.

By no means the same as replacing the ID but they can be created at runtime at least.


No direct say, but Roblox isn’t going to keep all these old features, because then people will stop investing, because there is no point in investing if all they will do is just reuse decade old features. Thats why this is happening.


The truss is that one last part that everyone but one guy forgets about


What’s wrong with keeping something that has worked and still works greatly? It’s like saying Microsoft should stop updating Windows because it’s over 20 years old, even though there are lots of revisions and fixes.


I’m not saying it should stop. I’m saying they should consider both their community and the investors. Not keep switching every few years.