Improvements to Play Solo [Full Release]

Amazing! Great job :clap:

will it be possible in the future to fine tune and pick individual built-in and user plugins to be enabled during runtime etc?


This really has been saving me on testing time. However, I would love to see if Studio’s local multiplayer test server could load up faster as one of my projects relies on that for testing core changes and it’s rather slow to start. Along those same lines, general Studio launch time improvements would also be appreciated greatly.


This is nice, but when play testing on a large map with smooth terrain and assets, the loading time is still too long. Usually it’s 5-10s. This is on a good pc, and with streaming enabled.

Would be nice to see a faster load for assets. They’re already loaded in the studio viewport, no? Why reload them…

Ideally play time would be near instant (sub 1 second). But I would be happy with 3s for big maps.

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Another good update being made, this will help a lot




I didn’t know we we’re going to be given the ability to enable and disable user plugins/built-in plugins. I don’t really use user plugins in play solo. I disabled both load built in plugins and user plugins upon solo play. The performance difference really shows wow. Another plus is the fact we don’t have to restart studio in order for these 2 settings to take effect. Great job!


Any optimizations are welcome.


This is absolutely great. Sometimes it’s the smallest changes that make the biggest differences


this really matters when you’re reloading every minute to test small changes.



It’s the little changes that makes everything worth it at the end.
Thank you Roblox! We all appreciate the hard work! :slight_smile:

These optimizations will save so much time during development. Thanks again, Roblox team!

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Or just loadable if the setting is disabled I have a plugin in thought what simulates a controller and fire controller input to test console support and since not every plugin developer should implement


It’s beter but a enjoying thing is that the viewport resize and that takes time too and for testing physics it won’t work since if the physics run your screen split in twice by resizing the viewport and by stopping it during a long time to stop the play test

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Removing the loading screen in play solo seems to be a good idea.


For me, it went from about 5-10 second load to 1-3 second. Massive improvements for lower end computers such as mine.


I’m glad built in plugins can be enabled as that was my only issue with the beta.


I just used this without expecting too much of a difference, but my goodness, the performance difference was night and day!


With the time saving though, I no longer have time to put another nacho chip in my mouth… oohhh the suffering…


Just for clarification… “Playing Solo” is just for Studio Testing ?
So guess it is just speeding up this process… if so. much appreciated.

Also with a low end (i7 PC)… this is appreciated.
But sometimes I need to test with 2 players… and doing that through Studio can Hang the PC for ages.

Question then is… if there is a way to load an NPC… that you can switch between Player & NPC to do testing ? (without current options of +2 player & server opening)
If this can be added to these standard options… that would be fantastic.

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