Improving roblox reporting system

As a roblox developer, I have been playing other games and have come across multiple people breaking roblox TOS, millions of reports are sent every game, 99 percent of them being false and the other one percent being from people that actually want to use this for good. I propose two features, the report request as a category members can access, and a system I thought of for users being able to help manage reports. The report request would be like a post approval feature, but if you make ten successful good reports, then you would have permanent access to submit these reports. This would make a higher report tier for people who actually want to help and aren’t just reporting because they got killed in some game. People who make a ton of high quality reports will get manually assigned permission in roblox to help with reports, these features would include giving a warning, bringing back reminders in a form of contacting the user about their behavior, and lastly flagging their account to be reviewed by a roblox admin, I feel like this could be a great opportunity for people to take advantage of to improve the quality of the reporting system.

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There’s a thing called Fast Track Reporting program with users who had filed multiple correct claims that’ll get bumped up in the moderation. I don’t know how to get into it but it’s been proven to be quite useful.

I think Roblox should automatically fast track a report if it’s a copyright claim. For example a user not naming who has used an exploit to copy my cafe (badly with no scripts using something called a LAUE decompiler) This is damaging my game and the user has uploaded it as a model on his main account for everyone to purchase. My initial support ticket was 3 days ago something like somebody copying a game for personal profit/gain should be dealt with quicker as it can cause immediate damage unlike scamming which can easily be rolled back.

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Part of the suggestion is to add a category in the forums for reports, I can’t add two categories so I think it was best suited to put here.

I think this should be automated so more developers can get in that want to help.

The forum is not a place for reporting scams or stolen copies of your work. There are tons of ways to report this type of stuff, don’t involve the forum into it.

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I just feel like normal reports don’t get anywhere as there are hundred of thousands of reports each and every day, so this might be helpful.

Yes, bots and humans going through them. Why not wait it out. And plus Roblox has no reason to tell you what punishment the user you reported, received. So who knows, maybe the people you’ve reported have been punished.

The developer forum has its own issues anyways. The developer forum is and should be strictly for talking about Roblox development.

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True, maybe it would be better if there was a forum for just reporting similar to this? It would be a really helpful feature, I just am not positive how to implement it.


Why, it wouldn’t be helpful. It’s gonna become flooded like the current Roblox reporting system in no time. Just use Roblox support, period.

It would be helpful if active players submitting good reports would get priority, this would help add some filters for the reports so players dedicated to helping out will have access to higher priority reports, I also understand this is a program, but adding a semi- automatic program would make it much easier to maintain high quality reports while still allowing a portion of players to use it.

I don’t want to clog this topic and I don’t have much more to say, but just know this can’t and won’t be added.

Okay, it is just a suggestion, but I do think it would be beneficial if implemented correctly.

If you have an idea on how to improve the Roblox reporting system, please file a request on #platform-feedback:website-features

And to be fair, your proposal can be abused. From my experience, there’s no problem with the reporting system. There’s only very rare cases where moderation is missed or improperly handled.

In cases where Roblox support can’t help you the way you expected, it’s most likely not an issue they can fix because it’s not their liability anymore.

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This is not an ‘Expirienced roblox player forum’ or some sort of endorsement from roblox that you can be trusted. This is a developer forum, for developers. True, roblox reports is a mess, but here is not the place to have a report catagory. We already have #platform-feedback:moderation-review-requests and that’s the only moderation service I feel developers should be more entitled to.


You are really confusing here, you agnowledge the fast track reporting program, then basically ask for the same thing but made public. If a lot of people are in it, it no longer becomes fast. Just submit good reports and you will get in the W Sistine fast track reporting program.

Thirdly, as stated, this is not the place to really discuss roblox moderation.

Please use the right category when posting