Also worth noting that a lot (if not most) of the Roblox experiences have been developed with the previous camera functionality as its baseline, some having their own custom or forked solutions. This can make the experience feel very odd especially having used the previous functionality for years. One of my current projects feels almost unplayable right now with this new functionality enabled.
Yeah, I think that I’ve seen enough to not want to leave this on overnight, rolled it back. I’ll have to find another way forwards, thanks for your patience.
While I have your attention: All the feedback here is about the camera, but does anyone take issue with inertia scrolling for ScrollingFrames? (that also changed here)
I’d be completely fine with scrolling frames and linear scrolling (with similar behaviour to how browsers work) having inertia scrolling. For me it just gets a bit weird when that same functionality is applied to an immersive 3D environment.
I’d also say its fine for example, in those 3d models (similar to view 3d avatar) you can click and drag (or use trackpad) and have inertial scrolling/movement in, just feels off when you are actually immersed in that 3D environment and are expecting some level of precision that you’ve been used to for years.
Thank you for that, I appreciate you listening to us here. Inertia to ScrollingFrame scrolling was fine today as that didn’t directly impact gameplay anywhere I saw/used it today